Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big 5 Sporting Good, giant ripoff

Like many of you I aspire to stay in shape, and like many of you I prefer to work out at home. While I can appreciate the gym environment I seldom have the time to dedicate myself to going there on a regular basis. My answer is to work out at home. I had lent a friend one of my 35 lb cast iron dumbbells I had bought from Walmart for about $25.00 and forgot to get it back from him before he left for vacation, so I just decided to buy another one and let him keep it. On the way home from work I saw a Big 5 Sporting Good Store and decided to get it there. The salesman escorted me to the weight section of the store and when I asked him how much one would cost he said $52.99. I couldn't believe my ears. I said thanks, but I can get it cheaper at Walmart. Just to make sure we were talking about just the one dumbbell I asked him again as I was leaving "$52.99 for just one not the set? " He confirmed it by saying it would be $52.99 for just the one. I sighed, shook my head, and let him know it was not nearly worth as much as Big 5 was retailing it for. I left and vowed to myself to never return. Beware of Big 5!!!!!!!

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