Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Jemez, too strict?

As seen on my blog I show pictures of the Jemez Mountains. While I do enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds and captivates me I have heard a few negative reports about the Jemez, more directly about the Jemez police department. While I can understand their need to enforce the law I've heard of them fining people for things that most police officers would just give you a verbal warning for. I heard of a situation on 94 Rock's morning show where a caller said he was fined for having taped his rear turn signal on because the plastic where he would normally screw the reflector on had just recently broken. I've also heard of several instances where the fines for speeding tickets were almost twice what they would be in Albuquerque. Like many people I can see where additional money needs to be made to preserve the Jemez, especially during the recession, however that additional money should be made in other ways. While I still recommend that visitors see the Jemez Mountains, especially the hot springs, I would just be very careful of the police department and the rangers.

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