Saturday, October 3, 2009


Recently I took a trip to Durango Colorado and found myself captivated by the majestry of it's mountains. A few years back I had been stationed at Fort Carson Colorado and I was immediatly drawn to the beauty of Pikes Peak. I always swore to myself I would return to Colorado and I fulfilled that promise to myself. Although on the way home I was barreling down I 550 towards the town of Bernallio in New Mexico and as I looked to my right I saw the most incredible sight. It was sunset and the sky was filled with the colorfull remnents of the drowning sun and the nightsky had begun to engulf those remnents casting stars unto the herizon, however it was the land that would fill my eyes with awe and my heart with joy. For from this land arose formations that seemed to be as if they had come from the deepest recesses of a wonderful dream. It is for this reason that I will always regard NM as home. Colorado has it's majestic mountains, but they can never beat our enchanted landscapes.

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