Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform. Forced and unwelcome.

While I agree that we must change the health care system in this country, especially when it comes to insurance companies denying coverage of preexisting conditions I don't know if forcing people to have health insurance is the right way to go. I'm definitely not happy that our taxes are going to go up in order to pay for this new era of health care. What's even more shocking is how the Democrats are all patting each other on the backs about having this bill passed when the nation is so clearly divided on the issue. Over half our country will be paying for a system they don't believe in at a time where money is so dangerously scarce. Nancy Pelosi says this is a win for the middle class and the poor. The last time I checked middle class America was all but gone and the poor were only getting poorer. I fail to see how raising their taxes and forcing them to have health care, and fining them if they don't helps.